Happy New Year! Let's start off the year with clarity towards our goals with some goal setting tips and my word of the year: THRIVE.
When you are on social media this year posting about a win, a happy thought, or any kind of accomplishment, use the hashtag #WhenPOCThrive because we want to see people of color striving and thriving in their lives.
Goal Setting Tips:
Write down your goals. Write it somewhere, preferably where you will see it often. Use the SMART Goals method so that it is easy to track your progress on your goals.
Tell people about it. You don’t have to broadcast it to the world, but telling at least one person you trust about your goals will not only give you accountability, but it will make the achievement of your goals much sweeter to enjoy for not only you, but the person you told. They will be able to see where you started and really revel in how far you had come in accomplishing what you said you would do.
Mentioned on this week's episode:
Episode 020 (I mistakenly said episode 019): Where I've Been & My Mental Health Journey
New Year, New Decade Summit (FREE virtual summit!) on January 13, 2020
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