This episode is not part of our regularly scheduled programming, but we cannot be a podcast that addresses race & not talk about this.
Today's episode is for all nonblack people to have ways to take ACTION.
Ways you can take action:
PROTEST! Get out there & stand in solidarity & protect Black people from the police!
Pass out water and snacks to protestors
Be a volunteer medic to care for protestors when they are wounded
Sit with yourself and reflect on everything happening. If you have Black friends, imagine if these tragedies happened to them. Personalize these issues to yourself.
Correct people when they say problematic and harmful things. Have these conversations. Not having these conversations lead to Black people dying.
Register to vote! Elect people to go into office to make these changes. Better yet, run for office! (see episode 029 if you're more interested in running for office)
Do a personal audit of your friendships, the media you consume, the people you follow. How many of those people are of a different race than you? How many people are Black?
Confront your antiblack biases within yourself, then have these conversations with the people around you. Reflect on antiblack things you've witnessed or experienced or said yourself, and it will take time to unlearn these mindsets.
Mentioned on this week's episode:
Video analysis of outsiders trying to instigate looting
Protesting tips
Can I Get a Sat Nam?! Podcast by Sacha Simmons
Our True Colors Podcast by Shawna Gann
If you have any questions about race/DEI or want someone to talk to/vent to:
Bailout funds for protestors throughout the U.S.
Black people to follow/work with/hire:
Alicia Tenise - Lifestyle Blogger/Influencer (featured on episode 027!)
Maya Elious - Personal Branding Strategist and Speaker
Brittany Bright - Influencer Marketing Strategist, also founder of The Influencer League
Abu Fofanah - Growth Strategist, Ad Strategist
Diverse City LLC - (Black-owned) Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Consulting Firm by Dr. Cheryl Ingram
Danielle Desir - Travel Finance Strategist and Writer
Eugenie George - Financial Wellness Researcher
Wonder Women Tech - (Black-owned) non-profit and conference that promotes DEI in tech for women and women of color by Lisa Mae Brunson
Podcasts to listen to:
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